Which of the following groups contains the salts of same family?
Salts can be classified into the following types:
a) Normal salt
A salt that does not contain any replaceable hydrogen ions is a normal salt. It is obtained by replacing all the hydrogen ions of an acid by metal ions or ammonium ions. Examples: NaCl, Na2SO4, Na3PO4, NH4Cl, K2CO3, CuSO4 etc.
b) Bisalts or Acid salts
A bisalt, or an acid salt contains replaceable hydrogen ions in association with the acidic radicals. It is obtained by the incomplete replacement of hydrogen ions by metal ions or ammonium ions.
Examples: NaHCO3, NaH2PO4 and Na2HPO4.
Since such salts also contain hydrogen ion, the term 'bi' or acid can be substituted by hydrogen, e.g. sodium bicarbonate or sodium acid carbonate is also called sodium hydrogen carbonate.
When bisalts or acid salts dissociate in water, they yield hydrogen or hydronium ions.
Since an acid salt liberates hydrogen or hydronium ions, it exhibits some acidic properties. Hence it behaves like an acid.
i) An acid salt reacts with bases to form salt and water only.
iii) They react with carbonates to yield carbon dioxide.
Remember :
Some Common Acid Salts
NaHCO3, NaHSO3, NaHSO4, Na2HPO4, Ca(HCO3)2, Ca(HSO4)2, KHCO3, KHSO3, KHSO4, NaH2PO4and Mg(HCO3)2
c) Basic Salts
A basic salt is formed by the action of an acid with higher proportion of the base, than is necessary for the formation of a normal salt.
Basic copper carbonate CuCO3.Cu(OH)2
Basic lead carbonate (white lead) PbCO3.Pb(OH)2
A basic salt may also be formed by the partial replacement of the hydroxyl groups of a diacidic or triacidic base, by an acid radical.
Basic salts are usually insoluble in water.
d) Double Salts
Such salts are formed by the intimate association of two simple salts, when crystallized from a solution of a mixture of the two.
There are some groups given below.
salts are formed by the reaction between or the formation of bond (bonding) between a cation and an anion. A strong ionic bond is formed. Salt is a compound.
Examples of groups contains the salts of same family are:
- normal salts - Sodium chloride (NaCl)
- Bislats or Acid salts -
- Basic salts -
- Double Salts
- Mixed Salts
- Binary salts
- Ternary salts
- Complex salts