Which of the following has an electrovalent bond(s)?
In ammonia molecule electrovalent covalent bond formation takes place between nitrogen and hydrogen
Electrovalent bonds are produced when electrons are transferred from atoms of one element to atoms of another element, producing positive and negative ions. The bond which is formed by the transfer of electrons between the atoms is called electrovalent bond or ionic bond. Electrovalent bonds are only formed between metals and non-metals. Electrovalent bonds are not formed between two non-metals.
Element Electronic config. Reaction Formed ion
Na(11) 2,8,1 Na → Na+ + e– ………………….. Reaction 1 Na+
Ca(20) 2,8,8,2 Ca → Ca2+ + 2e–……………….. Reaction 2 Ca2+
Cl(17) 2,8,7 Cl + e–→ Cl– ………………….……. Reaction 3 Cl–
O(8) 2,6 O + 2e–→ O2-…………………… Reaction 4 O2-
now when Na reacts with Cl, reaction 1 and reaction 3 will take place and the resultant compound will be NaCl.
When Na reacts with O, reaction 1 and reaction 4 will take place and the resultant compound will be Na2
When Ca reacts with Cl, reaction 2 and reaction 3 will take place and the resultant compound will be CaCl2.
When Ca reacts with O, reaction 2 and reaction 4 will take place and the resultant compound will be CaO.