Which of the following is a commercial blood cholesterol lowering agent ?
(1) CyclosporinA
(2) Statin
(3) Streptokinase
(4) Lipases
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option 2 statins
statins are primarily responsible for lowering blood cholestrol level. hope you like it
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Statins are the commercial blood Cholesterol lowering agents.
- Statins are the biomolecules that are actually the HMG CoA reductase inhibitors.
- These statins are produced from the fungi like Aspergillus, Penicillium etc.
- These statins react with the HMG CoA reductase enzyme and competes with HMG CoA to inhibit the enzyme.
- In absence of HMG CoA, the Cholesterol won't be produced and thus they inhibit the Cholesterol synthesis in body.
- This is a competitive inhibitor of the enzyme which gets more in concentration than HMG CoA and thereby reduces the amount of cholesterol produced. Atorvastatin is most commonly prescribed statins.
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Class XII
Microbes in human welfare
What are statins? Name the microorganism that produces this substance. How is it medically important?
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