which of the following is cause increasing urbanization in Punjab ...
In recent decades, urbanization in Punjab is occurring rapidly by reducing the share of
agricultural activity and increasing rural to urban migration. In this perspective, the present paper
using Census data describes the recent past trends and patterns of Punjab’s urbanization from
1961 to 2011. It investigates the relevant determinants of urbanization in Punjab. Finally, it
measures the impact of urbanization on urban economic growth in Punjab. The empirical results
show that the growth rate of urban population is higher than that of the total population in
Punjab. Urban agglomerations and urban areas of in Punjab also are increasing rapidly. Most
importantly, it has been seen that urban population in Punjab is concentrated in an around Class I
cities than other class of cities/towns. The OLS regression results show that road distance to sub
division (or nearest city population of 1 lakh and more) has a negative effect on urbanization in
Punjab measured by size of city population. On the other hand, city-wise total road length has a
positive impact on urbanization in Punjab. In addition to that, city-wise total number of schools,
colleges and electricity connections has a positive impact on urbanization in Punjab measured by
city population density. The paper also finds the positive link between urbanization measured by
size of district urban population and urban economic growth measured by district domestic
product in Punjab. Finally, the paper suggests several policy options for planned urbanization in
Punjab for not only to improve economic growth in Punjab but also in India as well
The new coach seems pleasant and competent. A. verb B. noun C. adective