Math, asked by khannaashish6449, 1 year ago

Which of the following is not arithmetic operator
a) *
b) /
c) &
d) %


Answered by nikitasingh79

& is not an arithmetic operator. Instead, it is a bitwise operator.

Hence, option (c) is correct.

Explanation for correct option (c) &:

Bitwise AND (&) is a bitwise operator. & operator matches a bit to the result if it exists in both the first and second operands.

Hence, option (c) & is correct.

Explanation for incorrect option (a) * :

* is an arithmetic operator. It multiplies two operands.

Hence option (a) * is incorrect.

Explanation for incorrect option (b) /:

/ is an arithmetic operator. It divides the dividend by the second divisor and gives the quotient.

Hence option (b) / is incorrect.

Explanation for incorrect option (d) %:

Modulo (%) is an arithmetic operator. It returns the remainder when the dividend is divided by the divisor.

Hence option (d) % is incorrect.

Arithmetic Operators:

* → Multiplication

/ → Division

% → Modulo

+ → Addition

– → Subtraction

Bitwise Operators:

& → Bitwise AND

| → Bitwise OR

^ → Bitwise XOR

~ → Bitwise NOT

<< → Bitwise Left Shift

>> → Bitwise Right Shift

Learn more on Brainly:

Difference between arithmetic operators and relational operators

The number of binary arithmetic operator in C is?

a) 5

b) 4

c) 6

d) 7


Answered by ashitkumar608


(c) is the answer

Step-by-step explanation:

Bitwise AND (&) is a bitwise operator. & operator matches a bit to the result if it exists in both the first and second operands.

Arithmetic Operators:

* → Multiplication

/ → Division

% → Modulo

+ → Addition

- → Subtraction

Bitwise Operators:

& → Bitwise AND

I → Bitwise OR

^ →Bitwise XOR

~→ Bitwise NOT

<< → Bitwise Left Shift

>> → Bitwise Right Shift

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