Which of the following is NOT included in the Health Fitness Training Concepts ?
A Interval Training
B Anaerobic Exercise
C Strength Training
D Skill-related Fitness
Benefits of Physical Fitness
Increased energy levels
Increased self-esteem and confidence
Stronger and more efficient heart
Increased capacity to do physical work, including sport performance
Injuries are less frequent, less severe, and recovery time is shorter
Improved appearance
Improved emotional control
Sleep better (therefore you have more energy during the day)
Body fat stays within normal healthy range
Increased life expectancy/enjoy more healthy years
Improves overall health
Five Health Related Fitness Components: The following are lifelong fitness
components necessary to ensure the body can perform normal daily tasks.
1. Cardiovascular Endurance: the ability of the heart, blood vessels, and lungs to supply
oxygen to the working muscles. Cardiovascular endurance can be tested by completing
the mile run, 1.5 mile run, step test, PACER, 12 minute cycle, or the 12 minute swim.
2. Muscular Strength: the ability of the muscles to exert a force. The maximum amount
of force that a muscle can generate in a single effort. Muscular strength in the upper body
is tested by the maximum bench press and the lower body by the maximum leg press.
3. Muscular Endurance: the ability to efficiently use muscles over a longer period of
time. The ability of a muscle to repeatedly contract or sustain continuous contraction
involving less than maximum force. Muscular endurance can be tested by performing the
one minute sit-up test or push-up test.
4. Flexibility: the ability to move at the joints through a full range of motion. The range of
motion through which the body’s joints are able to move. Flexibility is evaluated with a
sit and reach test, arm and shoulder flexibility test, and prone trunk test.
5. Body Composition: the amount of body weight that is fat compared to muscle, bones,
and other body tissues. Body fat percentage can be estimated by four different testing
protocols: skinfolds, hydrostatic weighing, bioimpedence analysis, and BMI (Body Mass