Computer Science, asked by alokkiran57841, 3 months ago

Which of the following is not valid arithmetic operator in Python?


Answered by amourya13


Increment and decrement is not valid

Operator Example Equivalent Statement

+= x += 4 x = x + 4

-= x -= 4 x = x - 4

*= x *= 4 x = x * 4

/= x /= 4 x = x / 4

//= x //= 4 x = x // 4

%= x %= 4 x = x % 4

**= x **= 4 x = x ** 4

Answered by steffiaspinno

(i)   //

+ , - , / , *. are the four main basic arithmetic operations. Exponentiation, modulus functions, increment, decrement, and other arithmetic operators are the other available in python software. The arithmetic of pointers is invalid. Pointer multiplication, division, and addition are not permitted because they do not make sense in pointer arithmetic. In Python, there are seven arithmetic operators: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulus, Exponentiation.

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