Which of the following is the best example of a convenience product?
A. Chewing gum
B. Jeans
C. A birthday gift
D. Concert tickets
(b) chewing gum is the best example of convenience product
A. Chewing Gum
Convenience goods are widely available in the market at inexpensive or cheaper prices. Consumers require minimum effort or little planning before purchasing this good. Examples of convenience goods are soft drinks, coffee, bread, and others. (Investopedia)
A. Chewing Gum - Gum is something cheap and easy to find at your convenience. You can also find one at your local CONVENIENCE store.
B. Jeans - Jeans today can be up to 99 dollars! Also you might have to go to a special clothing store to buy them.
C. A birthday gift - A birthday gift is very broad and there are many, many options. They can also range in price, from 1 - 1000 dollars.
D. Concert Tickets- You absolutely do not find concert tickets at an convience store unless they are free and unpopular
Hope it helped and have an amazing day!