Chemistry, asked by singhalm1509, 4 hours ago

which of the following is the most non metallic element in nature?
a) sulphur
b) carbon
c) oxygen
d) boron​


Answered by ayushi9633

Among the given options chlorine is the halogen and it would be the most non-metallic element..


Answered by letmeanswer12



-As we know, components in the occasional table are additionally arranged into metals, non-metals, and metalloids in light of their properties. In the furthest left piece of the occasional table, metallic person is most grounded for the components and will in general diminish as we move to the solidly in any period and inside a gathering of components, start to finish the metallic person will increment.

- We should find exhaustively about nonmetals. They are the components which structure negative particles by acquiring or by tolerating electrons. They ordinarily have four to seven electrons in their furthest shell.

 - In examination with metals they come up short on the metallic credits and they generally go about as great protectors of power and hotness. Nonmetals are now and again fluid and generally gases.

- As we probably are aware, electronegativity is the proportion of fascination of a particle towards electrons. Consequently the more prominent fascination for holding electrons, higher would be the electronegativity of a molecule.

-The property electronegativity is straightforwardly connected with ionization energy of the iota. Those electrons which has low ionization energies will have low electronegativities due to the way that their cores don't apply a solid alluring power on the electrons. Or then again as such, the components with high ionization energies will have high electronegativities because of the greater draw applied on the electrons by the core.

- Because of the expanded distance between the core and valence electron (more noteworthy nuclear span) in a gathering, the electronegativity will diminish as the nuclear number increments. In this manner, incandescent light will have the most noteworthy electronegativity.

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