Computer Science, asked by paradkarshru, 4 months ago

Which of the following is true about Web 1.0?​


Answered by umangrajsingh911


नौटंकी व्हाट इज द टाइप ऑफ

Answered by jhangir789

Web 1.0 is a content delivery network (CDN) which enables to showcase the piece of information on the websites. It can be used as personal websites. It costs to user as per pages viewed.

What is Web 1.0 also known as?

  • Web 1.0 was the first generation of the world wide web, also referred to as the read-only web.
  • Web 1.0 began as an information place for businesses to broadcast their information and only allowed users to search for information and read it.

What is the purpose of Web service?

  • Web services are used for a variety of applications, but the most common is for reusing code and connecting existing programs.
  • The web service method can help developers segment applications into components that can be used and reused for various needs.

What means web services?

  • A web service is a software system that supports interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network.
  • It has an interface described in a machine-processable format (specifically, web Service Definition Language, or WSDL).
  • web services fulfill a specific task or a set of tasks.

What is web service and types?

  • There are a few central types of web services: XML-RPC, UDDI, SOAP, and REST: XML-RPC (Remote Procedure Call) is the most basic XML protocol to exchange data between a wide variety of devices on a network.
  • It uses HTTP to quickly and easily transfer data and communication other information from client to server.


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