which of the following lessons do we
learn from ants
may seem strange to ask this question yet there are masterful things about that ants that demand a verdict. There are depths of teaching and lessons of understanding to this question that may surprise you about the wise ant . There are the basic, yet in depth, observations about the ant that are mentioned in the Book of Proverbs that are far deeper than we have realized or even anticipated.
So what can we learn from the ant in the Bible? What can we learn about the ant? We find that a certain king, called king Solomon, did an ant watch and observed them. He was so inspired to write a few proverbs regarding their simple, yet stunning, wisdom.
There are many leading researchers, all around the world today, that are constantly discovering many new knowledgeable and technological facts about the lives of the ants.
It seems the more they study them the more they discover deeper mysteries and hidden secrets of just how much they resemble man in so many accurate ways.
The ant colony is filled with extreme wise qualities that are of exceptional and of fascinating proportions. Another question to perhaps answer would be how do ants help us in order to learn about ants and even ourselves?
For instance take a look at these 12 basic observations as well as 14 attribute of the ants that come quickly to mind.
Ants work hard. Well the thing is that ants they are hard workers without a doubt.
Ants help and support one another. Ants are known to help one another no matter what the challenge.
Ants protect each other. Ants are known to protect one another even unto death.
Ants feed one another in a most sharing way. Whenever one of them finds food they immediately inform the rest of the ant colony.No hoarding for individuals or for self.
Ants work alongside one another.They work together constantly side by side (without any gripes )
Ants are true accountants.They display incredible accounting skills ( read here) – Some Queens laying some 165000 eggs per day!
Ants have incredible strength for their size.Ratio to man their size can pick up things 50 times their own size and many times their own weight
Ants are focused natural builders. The are VERY focused (watch how they create a skyscraper ant heap ).
Ants are very persistent in every way. Overcoming obstacles and carrying large food masses to their nests.
Ants are creative. Look at an ant carrying a stick to use as a bridge walk over when encountering ravines and large obstacles
Ants support one another quite literally.They assist each other(watch ants lifting leaves with their fellow workers during a leaf carrying session video.
Ants are excellent farmers.They create their own fungus type food that is designed to be absorbed very cleverly within their stomachs.
So what can we learn from the ant? Well most people are usually offended by seeing ants in their kitchens and in their jars and food containers. The thing is the ant give us indications of our sometime carelessness of messing food in the house and not being quick enough to clean and pick it up ourselves.
Do an ant watch and you will observe that the ants are work so impeccably clean with one another. They have everything so well organized and neatly arranged.Each ant also has her due diligence of knowing how to keep their own nest clean and clear of wasted foods and the like.
One of their teachings would be, as the saying goes, “a stitch in time saves nine”. Another could be the “sooner the better”. Another may be “prevention is better than cure”. The end of a matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride.
Whatever the saying ants know how to finalize things and display patience even during adversity.The list goes on as to how these ants can teach us some many of life’s basic preventative measures in life.In times of war ants are known to be extremely protective of their own kind. Risking injuries as well as sometime certain death for each other.
Ask yourself this question. If for a moment you were able to fight for the right reasons in life, and defend another to the death… would you do it? How many true friends would you have that would be prepared to do this for you? Look at these 7 More Powerful Ant Lessons below regarding the ways of the ant and consider the comparison in human terms.
Excellent strategic planning, precision and organisation skills. Ants teach us the necessity to plan and look ahead. They store their food during seasons of plenty, so that they will have adequate amounts in times of scarcity. They also plan seasons of work and of rest to prevent burnout.They also teach us about teamwork and unity.