Biology, asked by shahama7, 9 months ago

Which of the following organelle lack ribosomes?
A) Mitochondria
C) Golgi apparatus
B) Nucleus
D) Chloroplast


Answered by subhashbharathi123



All cells, whether they are prokaryotic or eukaryotic, have some common features. These common features are:  

DNA, the genetic material contained in one or more chromosomes and located in a nonmembrane bound nucleoid region in prokaryotes and a membrane-bound nucleus in eukaryotes  

Plasma membrane, a phospholipid bilayer with proteins that separates the cell from the surrounding environment and functions as a selective barrier for the import and export of materials  

Cytoplasm, the rest of the material of the cell within the plasma membrane, excluding the nucleoid region or nucleus, that consists of a fluid portion called the cytosol and the organelles and other particulates suspended in it  

Ribosomes, the organelles on which protein synthesis takes place

Prokaryotic cells are fundamentally different in their internal organization from eukaryotic cells. Notably, prokaryotic cells lack a nucleus and membranous organelles. Prokaryotic cells have the following features:  

1. The genetic material (DNA) is localized to a region called the nucleoid which has no surrounding membrane.  

2. The cell contains large numbers of ribosomes that are used for protein synthesis.  

3. At the periphery of the cell is the plasma membrane. In some prokaryotes the plasma membrane folds in to form structures called mesosomes, the function of which is not clearly understood.  

4. Outside the plasma membrane of most prokaryotes is a fairly rigid wall which gives the organism its shape. The walls of bacteria consist of peptidoglycans. Sometimes there is also an outer capsule. Note that the cell wall of prokaryotes differs chemically from the eukaryotic cell wall of plant cells and of protists.  

5. Some bacteria have flagella which are used for locomotion and/or pili, which may be used to pull two cells in close contact, and perhaps to facilitate the transfer of genetic material.

Answered by Nivet2006


B) Nucleus.




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