Which of the following plant shows persistent calyx
Our correct answer is d) that is Solanum/Solanaceae.
Seed or fruit dispersal is the essential part of the plant life cycle. If the seed get widely distributed in space then it is biologically advantageous.
Calyx is the lowermost, accessory part of the flower. It is constituted of sepals. They are usually green in color. Calyx protects the flower in bud stage. It is modified several times to serve different purposes.
Seeds of family Brassicaceae are dispersed through anemochory (wind dispersal) by Censer mechanism. Censer mechanism is a type of anemochory where the seeds are dispersed from the small opening on the fruit. This opening is very small that only few seeds can escape at a time.
Seeds of family Fabaceae are dispersed by compensated zoochory. The fruits are consumed by animals and seeds are dispersed by them through their feces.
Seeds which are presented with elaiosomes attract ants. Ants are attracted to such seeds because elaiosomes are rich in lipid, amino acids and nutrients. Ants take such seeds to their nest and feed nutritive elaiosome part to their larvae. Then remaining seed is discarded in disposal area which is rich in nutrients and dead bodies. Such site provides optimum conditions for seeds to germinate. This is a mutualistic relationship. Dispersal of seeds through ants is called as myrmecochory. It is a type of zoochory. Seeds of Liliacceae possess elaisomes.
Calyx is reduced and modified into hairy pappus in Asteraceae family. Pappus forms a parachute for wind dispersal of fruits.