Physics, asked by mushroom12, 9 days ago

Which of the following represents the correct balanced chemical equation with state symbols for the given reaction ?

Magnesium reacting with dil. sulphunc acid (5) Mg (1) + 2HSO, (1)+ M8SO, () + H2 ()

(u) Mg (s) + H,SO, (aq) - MgSO, (aq) + H, 1 () 2Mg(s) + Hso, (aq) + 2Mgo, (aq) + H, t

(iv) 2Mg (aq) + 2H,so, ) + 2MGO, (s) + 2H, ()​


Answered by swwetbaby420


option (3) will be correct answer of this question

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