Which of the following statement is not correct?
(a) E2 is a concerted reaction in which bonds break and new bonds form at the same time in a single step
(b) Order of reactivity of alkyl halides towards E2 dehydrohalogenation is found to be 3° 2° < 1°
(c) In E2 elimination different stereoisomer (diastereomer) converts into different stereo product
(d) The E2 reactions give Saytzeff products
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(d) is wrong
Saytzeff rule governs the orientation in SN1 reaction
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Option c is not correct.
- E2 elimination is a concerted reaction in which the bond breaking and bond formation take place in a single step.
- The order of reactivity of alkyl halides towards E2 dehydrohalogenation is 3<° 2° < 1°.
- Again saytzeff products get predominated at E2 elimination due to the involvement of gama hydrogen.
- It is a stereospecific reaction.
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1 year ago