)Which of the following statements about monuments is NOT true? (a) They provide information about the kings who constructed them. (b) They help cultivate a shared sense of pride towards our past. (c) They provide information about the time period they belonged to. (d) They help us learn about the different buildings that are constructed today.
Summary of Findings
This summary brings together the main fi ndings from separate syntheses of professional
learning and development in various curricula, and topical issues. It does not follow the
usual format of an executive summary in that its focus is the synthesis of the themes
identifi ed in the different sections on mathematics, science, and literacy; teachers’ social
construction of students; and the topical issues of leadership, multiple roles of assessment,
engaging teachers’ theories, and professional learning communities. The summary
begins with a brief introduction to the purpose of the synthesis and an overview of the
methodological approach, then presents the fi ndings themselves. Its summary nature
means that much of the detail and the case descriptions are omitted. For this reason, we
refer the reader to material located in the body of the synthesis that elaborates on and
illustrates the ideas presented.
The purpose of the synthesis is to consolidate the international and New Zealand
evidence around the emerging knowledge base about how to promote teacher learning in
ways that impact on outcomes for the diversity of students in our classrooms. Although
New Zealand students typically achieve well in OECD surveys, disparities in student
achievement are amongst the greatest in the OECD1
. Of particular concern is the large
‘tail’ of underachievement, and special consideration was given to this problem. Two
further contextual conditions were also given specifi c attention: New Zealand’s self-
governing administrative structures and the education community’s obligations under
the Treaty of Waitangi.
Considerable effort has been directed to understanding the ‘black box’2 between acts
of teaching and associated student outcomes, and other syntheses in the Iterative Best
Evidence Synthesis Programme3 seek to address this issue. In this synthesis we have
attempted to unpack a second black box, situated between particular professional
learning opportunities and their impact on teaching practice. Little is known about
how teachers interpret the available understandings and utilise the particular skills
offered during professional learning opportunities, or the consequent impact of these
on teaching practice and student outcomes. What is known is that the relationship is far
from simple. This synthesis begins to unpack the contents of that black box.
Theoretical and methodological frameworks
A theoretical framework comprising 84 different characteristics of the professional
learning environment likely to impact on student outcomes was developed and used to
analyse the studies located in our search of the literature. These categories included
the social context in which teachers work—the wider policy and school environments—
together with the specifi cs of the professional learning context. These specifi cs and their
relationships are presented in Figure 4.2. They included the content of the professional
learning and development opportunities, the activities constructed to promote the
learning, and the consequent learning processes and responses of the diverse teacher
learners. Finally, links were made between these responses and the impact of changed
teaching practice on diverse student learners.
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