Math, asked by TRILO186, 1 year ago

Which of the following statements are true? Check all that apply. 1)The mean is affected by outliers. 2)The mean is always a more accurate measure of center than the median. 3)Removing an outlier from a data set will cause the standard deviation to increase. 4)If a data set’s distribution is skewed, then 95% of its values will fall between two standard deviations of the mean. 5)If a data set’s distribution is skewed to the right, its mean will be larger than its median.


Answered by lovingheart

Apart from the second statement, the rest of the statements are true.

Step-by-step explanation:

  • As per the first statement, the outliers when included or removed from a data set, the value of the mean will change.
  • As per the 3rd statement, removal of the outlier will make a standard deviation to increase as the mean changes.
  • If the data set distribution is skewed, a majority of the values will fall between the two standard deviation points.
  • The mean will find to be larger when compared to the median when the data distribution is skewed to the right.

To know more;

1) What are the formulas of mean median and mode

2) What is mean ...median and mode.

Answered by adventureisland

(1) and (4) true

Step-by-step explanation:

i) The mean will move towards the outlier.

The mean is non-resistant.  That means, it's affected by outliers.  More specifically, the mean will want to move towards the outlier.

4)If a data set’s distribution is skewed, then 95% of its values will fall between two standard deviations of the mean. (we know from Chebyshev's Theorem that this is true for any set, skewed or not)

This two statement true

2)The median is a better measure of central tendency than the mean for data that is asymmetrical or contains outliers.

3)An outlier raises the variance which raises the standard deviation, so removing an outlier lowers the standard deviation

5) If a data set’s distribution is skewed to the right, its mean will be larger than its median. (while this is generally true, there can be sets of numbers that don't hold true here)

This are false statement (reasons mention upper)

To learn more

i)Which of the following statements are true? Check all that apply.

ii)Which statements are true about the median? Check all that apply. Put the values in numerical order before trying to find the median.

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