Chemistry, asked by 001Abhinav, 1 year ago

Which of the following statements is not correct for an electron that has the quantum number n=5 and m=2 ? (a) s= +1/2 (b) l=2 (c) l=3 (d) l=0,1,2,3

reddi625sahu: can u plz check the question and opt once again ,as all opt are correct
001Abhinav: I checked all options 5 times. The question is right.


Answered by reddi625sahu
I can give u information regarding that......
AS n=5 ;(principle quantum number)  ; l can have values 0,1,2...(n-1) ...i.e., here 0,1,2,3,4
m suffix l  = -l  to+l   i.e  -4 to +4
m suffix s  (spin quantum no.) =  +1/2 or -1/2  can be any thing
NO two elements can have all the quantum numbers the same.

Coming to ur QUESTION ;  IT can be option (d) BECAUSE ...l= 0,1,2,3,4
nd the opt contains all values of l except '4' so...that must be answer as there  is no other source.

hope it helps....:)
If there's a doubt regarding the ans u can comment BELOW..

001Abhinav: First of all clear your concept.
reddi625sahu: Is ther any doubt
reddi625sahu: ??
Answered by SumitShelke44




Since m=+2.......Then it can value of

m= -2, -1, 0 , 1, 2


Hence , the possible orbitals are

5d ,where l=2 or it can be 5f, where l=3

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