Economy, asked by premsingh78892, 3 months ago

Which of the following was the cause for the backwardness of Indian agriculture?(a) High dependence of rainfall, (b) Zamindar System, (c) Excessive pressure on land, (d) All of the above​


Answered by anantaseemit2


(d) all the above

Answered by qwstoke

The correct option for the cause of backwardness of Indian agriculture is option (d) All of the above.

The main causes of backwardness of Indian agriculture were

  • There were less sources of irrigation hence there was high dependence of rainfall .
  • Zamindars used to impose high taxes on farmers , their lands were captured due to Zamindari system.
  • There was excessive pressure on land
  • There were no facilities of loan for farmers.
  • There was lack of modern technology.
  • The Indian farmers were very poor so they could not purchase good quality seeds .
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