which of these features do not throw light on ornaments? - 1.customs and traditions 2.religion 3.culture 4.economy
economy is the answer to your question
he English word ‘Culture’ is derived from the Latin term ‘cult or cultus’ meaning
tilling, or cultivating or refining and worship. In sum it means cultivating and refining
a thing to such an extent that its end product evokes our admiration and respect.
This is practically the same as ‘Sanskriti’ of the Sanskrit language. The term ‘Sanskriti’ has
been derived from the root ‘Kri (to do) of Sanskrit language. Three words came from this
root ‘Kri; prakriti’ (basic matter or condition), ‘Sanskriti’ (refined matter or condition)
and ‘vikriti’ (modified or decayed matter or condition) when ‘prakriti’ or a raw material is
refined it becomes ‘Sanskriti’ and when broken or damaged it becomes ‘vikriti’.