Which of these is not an ability of apex legend
a. Insider knowledge
b. Earth shatter
c. Nox vision
d. Encore
In the absence of options, answer is given below.
Cross-progress and cross-purchases are not possible in Apex Legends. These are not possible currently, because of hardware limitations.
Apex Legends, developed by Respawn Entertainment, is a free to play battle-royale computer game. It is published by Electronic Arts and was released for MS Windows, Play Station 4 and Xbox One on 4 February 2019. Produced by Drew McCoy and Tina Sanchez, it is designed by Mackey McCandlish. Composing is by Stephen Barton.
In this game, about sixty players arranged in squads of three each, play against each other on an island, with the play area getting restricted as the game progresses, until only one squad remains.