English, asked by srikanth0000, 8 months ago

Which of these services are used to distribute content to end users using a global network of edge locations?
Route 53
Virtual Private Cloud
2 out of 4 answered.


Answered by mhetreasmita1


which of these services are used to distribute content to end user using a global network of edge location


b)cloud watch



which is true about cloud formation

a)allows u to pass config to instance at stack creation time

bProvides u a tool which enables u to create a template .

c)alows u to make changes to a running stack

d)u r not charged fr resoource that were ctreated before d rollback of stack

what metrics can be monitored through cloudwatch without being charged

a)Memory usage

b)disk cpu data transfer

c)application services

d)cloud watch charges fr all monitoring

An instance is launched into the private subnet , which of the following must be done to allow access the internet.

a)attach an elastic ip----------------------------correct

b)Nothing it can access the internet

c)Launch a nat instance and pass all traffic to it

d)Make an entry in the Route table passing traffic going outside of the VPC to the NAT instance .

You have 3 instance in public subnet that have the internet access with configured subnet Nacls and routing tables ,A fourth instance is passed to

the config bt it is nt able to access the internet what shoud be done to provide the access

a)add one more NIC

b)attach an elastic Ip

c)reboot instance

d)open port22

Amazon s3 is a

a)content delivery network

b)key based object store

c)relational databse

d)domain system

How ELB charged

a)completely free

b) per hour load balancer is running

c)per gb data processed by LB

d)per hour load balancer is running and per gb data processed by LB

which of these services need az deployment to enhance avalabilty

a(internet gatway




A statless DB instatnce need to be scaled based on CPU and memory utilization .Which of these services will u use .



c)change the instance type

d)all of the above

u have 6 EC2 instances. how will u deploy them ensuring high avalability

a)launch all ec2 instance in same ec2

b)launch all ec2 instance using elstic beanstalk

c)divide them in 2 different AZ---------------------------

d)none of above

bandwidth b/w 2 ec2 are free when

a)both instances are in same Avalabilt zonesand use private ip to communicate

b)both instabnces are in different AZ

c)both instances are in same Avalabilt zonesand use public ip to communicate

dboth instances are in same Avalabilt zonesand use private ip to communicate and booted from same AM

which of the folloing is true about VPN in VPC

a)the virtual private gateway is set up in your datacenter.........

b)customer private gateway is set up in yur VPC..........

c)an ipsec h/w tunnel can be used with VPC-------------

d)a s/w vpn can be used to connect to the vpc-----------

which of these services increases the scalabilty



auto scaling

cloud watch

how is auto scaling charged


per hour usage

per da usage

per month

33)u r running a db on aws how can u reduce the downtime when u are performing backup operation on db

a)replicate it another AZ or have a backup slave db ready .

b)apply load balance

c)use dynamo DB

d)use fast backup technologies

34)when we launch ec2 in default vpc does it have an ip address

a)yes public and private ip will be assigend to it

b)only public-------------------------------------------------correct

c)only private

d)no we have to assign an elastic ip

35)u have instances distributed across two AZ , how will u mantain the capacity assuming one of the az faces failure

a)apply clustering

b)load balacing

c)auto scale------------------------correct

d)use aws sqs

36) given ELB healthchek is 30 seconds unhealthy threshold of 4

1)if an instance fails a health check for times consecutively elb will stop routing traffic to it

b_if an instance stops responding consecutively for 3 min elb will stop routing traffc to it

c) as soon as an instances recover from failure elb will start routing traffic to it

d after an instance recover from a long failure and is up fr 4.5 min ELB will start routing traffic to it .

37)when an ec2 assigned an elastic ip address what happens

a) the elastic ip address replaces the old privtae ip add address

b) the elastic ip address replaces the old public ip add address--------------------correct

c) both public and private

38 ) when reboot ec2 instance public and private ip

a) it will have a new public and private ip----------------------correct

b) it will retain both public and private ip

c)retain only public

d) retain only private IP

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