Which one is used as both oxidative and reductive?
For example, in the extraction of iron from its ore:
Because both reduction and oxidation are occurring simultaneously, this is known as a redox reaction.
An oxidizing agent is substance which oxidizes something else. In the above example, the iron(III) oxide is the oxidizing agent. A reducing agent reduces something else. In the equation, the carbon monoxide is the reducing agent.
Oxidizing agents give oxygen to another substance.
Reducing agents remove oxygen from another substance.
Oxidation and reduction in terms of hydrogen transfer
These are old definitions which are no longer used, except occasionally in organic chemistry.
Oxidation and Reduction with respect to Hydrogen Transfer
Oxidation is the loss of hydrogen.
Reduction is the gain of hydrogen.
Notice that these are exactly the opposite of the oxygen definitions (#1).
For example, ethanol can be oxidized to ethanal:
An oxidizing agent is required to remove the hydrogen from the ethanol. A commonly used oxidizing agent is potassium dichromate(VI) solution acidified with dilute sulfuric acid. Ethanal can also be reduced back to ethanol by adding hydrogen. A possible reducing agent is sodium tetrahydridoborate, NaBH4. Again the equation is too complicated to consider at this point.