which one of following is not a feature of social contract theory propounded by Thomas Hobbes
Anti-government groups in the United States are on the rise. Some are militia organizations that believe an armed populace is an essential safeguard against government tyranny. Others are driven by economic concerns as the national debt increases and the government bails out elite companies. Yet others have an anti-immigrant agenda in response to the increase of non-whites within the population. While their specific agendas may differ, a common theme of the groups is opposition to freedom-restricting activities of the government; some are even preparing for revolution and outright war. The most extreme case of this the destruction a nine-story federal office building in Oklahoma City by a car bomb that killed 168 people, 19 of which were children in a day care center within the structure. The perpetrators belonged to an anti-government militia group that specifically opposed government gun control efforts, and the intended message behind the bombing was that the government should not take away our freedoms.