which part of Computer System unit does all the mathematical calculations?
ALU or Arithmetic Logical Unit is the part of Computer System unit that does all the mathematical calculations.
It is a digital electronic circuit that performs arithmetic and bitwise operations on binary numbers.
It can do the various calculations such as addition, subtraction, addition with carrying, subtraction with borrowing, multiplication, division, decrement, increment,etc.
ALU does all the mathematical calculations in Computer System.
ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) does all the mathematical and other calculations in a Computer System.
Arithmetic Logic Unit(ALU) is a digital circuit that does all the Arithmetic operations like Add, Subtract, etc and Arithmetic Logic Unit(ALU) also does Logical works like AND, NOT, OR
In 1945, John Von Neumann came up with the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU). He was working on a project named Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer(EDVAC). While working on this project he came up with the Arithmetic Logic Unit(ALU) in 1945.