Geography, asked by krittikaparikh, 4 months ago

Which part of the map shows hilly region whyy


Answered by jahanvi762882
Contour lines

They are described on the bottom of the sheet. Contour lines on a map show topography or changes in elevation. They reveal the location of slopes,depressions, ridges, cliffs, height of mountains and hills, and other topographical features.

Hope it’s helpful enough for you.
Answered by krishna210398


Contour lines on the map show terrain and elevation changes. They determine slopes, depressions, ridges, cliffs, heights of mountains and hills, and other topographical features.


Because the Earth is a sphere, its surface receives much stronger sunlight (heat) at the equator than at the poles. During the equinoxes (when the amounts of sunlight and night are approximately equal), the sun passes directly overhead at noon at the equator. On the same day, at 60 degrees north latitude (Anchorage, Alaska, Oslo, Norway, or St. Petersburg, Russia), the sun rises 30 degrees above the horizon at noon, warming certain lands. Its strength is only half of the equator. At the poles, the sun appears to sit on the horizon for more than 24 hours, with its rays shining almost horizontally across the surface.

The 23.5° tilt of the axis indicates a significant annual change in the sun's angle. The June sun in San Francisco (or Wichita or Norfolk) is as high as the March sun in Guatemala City, and the December sun in San Francisco (or Wichita or Norfolk) is as high as the March sun in Anchorage, Alaska. It is also taller. . It is not expensive.  Or throughout the year, it can be said that hot places enjoy tropical heat in summer and suffer from arctic cold in winter.

Heat is distributed throughout the world throughout the year, creating a unique climate zone pattern along with the physical properties of the air.

Hilly region has higher possibility of hydroelectricity production.Why?​

Why are the roads in hilly region bent?


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