which part of the plant extracts the left things from the leaf which is going to fall/dead ?
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The part of the plant which extracts the leftover materials from the leaves before shedding is the tissue layer called the abscission tissue
"Abscission" comes from Latin word, (ab= away&scindere= to cut) and hence the name.however, it is being defined differently in botany, zoology, mycology and other branch of biology although the concept is similar.
In "botany", it refers to the shedding of plant part which might be leaves, seeds or flowers. Usually, the plants shed their leaves during the autumn in order to prepare the arrival of the winter season. In india, the shedding process takes place during the month between February and March.
In "zoology", it refers to the shedding of animal part such as claw, husk and the autonomy of tails to evade predator. However it must be kept in mind that in animals, a special term for this phenomenon is used, known as "moulting". It takes place mostly among the invertebrates. It involves the shedding of the skin, exoskeleton in arthropods and sometimes wings too.
hope it HELPS you