Which plasma membrane component can be either found on its surface or embedded in the membrane structure?
Question:Which plasma membrane component can be either found on its surface or embedded in the membrane structure?
Answer:- protein
Plasma membrane component:
The third essential component of plasma membranes is carbohydrates. They are constantly present on the exterior surface of cells, where they are joined to either lipids or proteins to create glycoproteins (forming glycolipids)
These carbohydrate chains can be straight or branched and range in size from 2 to 60 monosaccharide units. Carbohydrates form specific spots on the cell surface that enable cells to identify one another along with peripheral proteins. Similar to how each person's distinctive face traits enable them to be recognised, these locations have distinctive patterns that enable the cell to be identified. A cell's ability to recognise other cells and tissues is crucial because it enables the immune system to distinguish between its own cells (referred to as "self") and alien cells or tissues (referred to as "non-self"). In order to avoid being recognised and attacked by immune cells, similar kinds of glycoproteins and glycolipids are present on the surfaces of viruses and may alter often.
The glycocalyx, literally "sugar coating," refers to the carbohydrates that make up both the glycoproteins and glycolipids that are found on the cell's outer surface. Since the glycocalyx is very hydrophilic, it draws a lot of water to the cell's surface. This facilitates the cell's contact with its aquatic surroundings and increases the cell's capacity to take up compounds that are dissolved in the water. The glycocalyx is employed in cell-cell interactions to produce tissues and, as was already said, is crucial for cell identity, determining if a cell is self or not, and embryonic development.