Science, asked by mamasatapathy478, 2 months ago

which process helps us recover the solute from a solution, but not the solvent?​


Answered by devindersaroha43



In all solutions, whether gaseous, liquid, or solid, the substance present in the greatest amount is the solvent, and the substance or substances present in lesser amounts are the solute(s). The solute does not have to be in the same physical state as the solvent, but the physical state of the solvent usually determines the state of the solution. As long as the solute and solvent combine to give a homogeneous solution, the solute is said to be soluble in the solvent. Table  13.1.1  lists some common examples of gaseous, liquid, and solid solutions and identifies the physical states of the solute and solvent in each.

Table  13.1.1 : Types of Solutions

Solution Solute Solvent Examples

gas gas gas air, natural gas

liquid gas liquid seltzer water ( CO2  gas in water)

liquid liquid liquid alcoholic beverage (ethanol in water), gasoline

liquid solid liquid tea, salt water

solid gas solid  H2  in Pd (used for  H2  storage)

solid solid liquid mercury in silver or gold (amalgam often used in dentistry)

solid solid solid alloys and other "solid solutions"

Forming a Solution

The formation of a solution from a solute and a solvent is a physical process, not a chemical one. That is, both solute and solvent can be recovered in chemically unchanged forms using appropriate separation methods. For example, solid zinc nitrate dissolves in water to form an aqueous solution of zinc nitrate:


Because  Zn(NO3)2  can be recovered easily by evaporating the water, this is a physical process. In contrast, metallic zinc appears to dissolve in aqueous hydrochloric acid. In fact, the two substances undergo a chemical reaction to form an aqueous solution of zinc chloride with evolution of hydrogen gas:


When the solution evaporates, we do not recover metallic zinc, so we cannot say that metallic zinc is soluble in aqueous hydrochloric acid because it is chemically transformed when it dissolves. The dissolution of a solute in a solvent to form a solution does not involve a chemical transformation (that it is a physical change).

Dissolution of a solute in a solvent to form a solution does not involve a chemical transformation.

Substances that form a single homogeneous phase in all proportions are said to be completely miscible in one another. Ethanol and water are miscible, just as mixtures of gases are miscible. If two substances are essentially insoluble in each other, such as oil and water, they are immiscible. Examples of gaseous solutions that we have already discussed include Earth’s atmosphere.

The Role of Enthalpy in Solution Formation

Energy is required to overcome the intermolecular interactions in a solute, which can be supplied only by the new interactions that occur in the solution, when each solute particle is surrounded by particles of the solvent in a process called solvation (or hydration when the solvent is water). Thus all of the solute–solute interactions and many of the solvent–solvent interactions must be disrupted for a solution to form. In this section, we describe the role of enthalpy in this process.

Because enthalpy is a state function, we can use a thermochemical cycle to analyze the energetics of solution formation. The process occurs in three discrete steps, indicated by  ΔH1 ,  ΔH2 , and  ΔH3  in Figure  13.1.2 . The overall enthalpy change in the formation of the solution ( ΔHsoln ) is the sum of the enthalpy changes in the three steps:


When a solvent is added to a solution, steps 1 and 2 are both endothermic because energy is required to overcome the intermolecular interactions in the solvent ( ΔH1 ) and the solute ( ΔH2 ). Because  ΔH  is positive for both steps 1 and 2, the solute–solvent interactions ( ΔH3 ) must be stronger than the solute–solute and solvent–solvent interactions they replace in order for the dissolution process to be exothermic ( ΔHsoln<0 ). When the solute is an ionic solid,  ΔH2  corresponds to the lattice energy that must be overcome to form a solution. The higher the charge of the ions in an ionic solid, the higher the lattice energy. Consequently, solids that have very high lattice energies, such as  MgO  (−3791 kJ/mol), are generally insoluble in all solvents.

Answered by ridahussain86

Energy is required to overcome the intermolecular interactions in a solute, which can be supplied only by the new interactions that occur in the solution, when each solute particle is surrounded by particles of the solvent in a process called solvation (or hydration when the solvent is water).

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