CBSE BOARD X, asked by souvikr2943r5ttyy, 1 year ago

Which product is world bad product in the world? Tell me?


Answered by rainav2911


fair and lovely is the worst product it can damege our skin.

Answered by sakthisrei528


Nintendo Virtual Boy

Nintendo's Virtual Boy is a notorious flop, having sold well under 1 million units. Evan Amos/Wikimedia

Even the most successful companies in the world have the occasional flop.

As Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos said recently, "Amazon will be experimenting at the right scale for a company of our size if we occasionally have multibillion-dollar failures."

We put together 25 of the world's biggest flops, from Nintendo's Virtual Boy to Amazon's Fire phone.

Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Launching a product is tough.

"Less than 3% of new consumer packaged goods exceed first-year sales of $50 million — considered the benchmark of a highly successful launch," say Joan Schneider and Julie Hall, co-authors of "The New Launch Plan."

That's part of the reason that the most heavy-hitting names in business — from Nintendo to Netflix, Microsoft to McDonald's — have had some of the biggest belly flops.

Here's a look at 25 of those flops, and what we can learn from them.

1957 — Ford Edsel

edsel 3


Bill Gates cites the Edsel flop as his favorite case study. Even the name "Edsel" is synonymous with "marketing failure." Ford invested $400 million into the car, which it introduced in 1957. But Americans literally weren't buying it, because they wanted "smaller, more economic vehicles," according to Associated Content:

"Other pundits have blamed its failure on Ford Motors execs never really defining the model's niche in the car market. The pricing and market aim of most Edsel models was somewhere between the highest-end Ford and the lowest-end Mercury."

It was taken off the market in 1960.

1975 — Sony Betamax

Sony Betamax VCRs

By Franny Wentzel, CC BY-SA 3.0

The 1970s saw a war in home video formats between Betamax and VHS.

Sony made a mistake: It started selling the Betamax in 1975, while its rivals started releasing VHS machines. Sony kept Betamax proprietary, meaning that the market for VHS products quickly outpaced Betamax. Though Betamax was technically superior, VHS won out by simply being ubiquitous.

1985 — New Coke

New Coke Ad

An advertisement for the controversial New Coke Retronaut

In the early 1980s, Coke was losing ground to Pepsi. The infamous "Pepsi Challenge" ads were largely responsible for Pepsi's surge. In response, Coca-Cola tried to create a product that would taste more like Pepsi.

While New Coke fared well enough in nationwide taste tests before launching in 1985, it turned out those were misleading. Coke abandoned the product after a few weeks and went back to its old formula. It also gave its product a new name: Coca-Cola Classic.

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