Which programming language is most suitable for IoT programming?
These are the top two programming languages
1) C
One of the most important programming languages in the IoT system is the C. This is the lowest layer of software that is close to the hardware. C has been the foundation for many other coding languages over the year. This makes its knowledge basic necessity for anyone in the IoT projects. The reason behind this is that it doesn’t require a lot of processing power. C is available on almost every advanced embedded system platform. C is procedural rather than object-oriented as it does not have built-in capabilities. This programming language is compiled making it great for IoT projects.
2) Java
Java is the well-known programming languages used by the experts. They consider it is the best choice for IoT as it is known for write once, run anywhere. Developers can easily produce and debug a code on their computer. It can be transferred it on to any chip using Java Virtual Machine. As a result, it can be run on places where JVMs are used and on any other machine as well.
Java has incorporated coding techniques from to the languages such as Mesa, Eiffel, C, and C++. Java has the built-in capabilities making it object-oriented and portable with the least hardware dependency. Along with this, Java has a hardware support libraries that can access generic code.
Phython is the programming language used for IoT