Which property is used to separate a mixture
of miscible liquids?
A mixture of two miscible liquids can be separated by the process of fractional distillation. The separation of two liquids by fractional distillation depends on the difference in their boiling points. Fractional distillation is carried out by using a fractionating column
The component of the material that separates out during fractional distillation is determined by its boiling point.
A liquid is said to be miscible with another liquid if the two liquids completely mix and leave no identifiable layer in the solution.
Fractional distillation is a kind of distillation in which miscible liquids are separated. Repeated distillations and condensations are used in the process, and the mixture is generally divided into component components.
The underlying premise of fractional distillation is that different liquids boil at different temperatures at their boiling points.