which region of deccan plateau is famous for cotton cultivation
Andhra Pradesh and Telangana
because most of the regions are covered with black soil
The Deccan Plateau is a large plateau in India, making up most of the southern part of the country.
The Deccan region has historically lacked an enduring geo-political centre, and has been defined in various ways.
Geographers have attempted to define it using indices such as rainfall, vegetation, soil type or physical features.
The thick dark soil (called regur) found here is suitable for cotton cultivation.
Black soil is made from lava-solidified rocks and is also called as ‘Black Cotton Soil’ or ‘Regur Soil’.
The black colour of regur soil is due to its iron content, deriving from plutonic lava materials.
Mainly found in the Deccan region which includes the major part of Maharashtra, Gujarat and part of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh.
Cotton is most important crop .