Which region was earlier known as Dakshinapath?
South India
Dakshinapatha is a important historical region (equivalent of present day South India) or a road in ancient India which may mean; the "Ancient South of the Indian subcontinent" below Uttarapatha. The term can encompass Dravida, Simhala, the Kollam region, and the Maldives.In the south region.
the "Ancient South of the Indian subcontinent" below Uttarapatha. The term can encompass Dravida, Simhala, the Kollam region, and the Maldives.In the south region. the "great southern highway" in India, traveling from Magadha to Pratishthana, or.
Dakshinapath is a important historical region or a rod in ancient india which may mean... The term can encompass oravida, simhala, the kollam region and the Maldives. In the south region. the " great southern highway" In india, travelling from Mushada to pratishthana or a kingdom on the Godavari River in Southern india.