which set is an aquarium fish
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Step One: Set up Aquarium and Stand
Place aquarium out of direct sunlight, allowing at least 5" clearance for the filter.
Allow 5" between the wall and the aquarium to accommodate the filter, and ensure the stand is level. Be certain this is a good location for the aquarium, as you will have to completely disassemble the system if you want to move it later.
Step 2Step Two: Add Gravel and Water
Use a plate when adding water to prevent gravel displacement.
Rinse the gravel in clean water and add it to the aquarium, sloping it up towards the back.
Place clean plate on top of gravel and start to fill the aquarium with water. If your tap water contains chlorine, add our Chlorine Neutralizer.
Step 3Step Three: Install Filter and Heater
Install equipment, but do not plug anything in yet.
Assemble and hang the power filter on back of aquarium.
Attach the thermometer in a place that is easy for you to monitor.
Assemble and install the heater under water level, near input to filter.
Step 4Step Four: Decorate
Add decorations, but leave plenty of swimming room for fish.
Rinse all the plants with clear water.
Place all the background plants, arrange the driftwood, add accent and foreground plants, along with a few special stones.
Fill aquarium and filter with water.
Plug in filter and heater.
Wait 24 hours for water temperature to stabilize before adding fish.
Step 5Step Five: Add Fish!
Add about 10" of fish initially to establish the nitrogen cycle.
After properly acclimating fish, release them into the aquarium (without adding the water they were shipped in).
Add on the light and canopy.
Wait four weeks and test for ammonia and nitrite. When the levels return to zero, you can begin adding the rest of your fish a few at a time (up to 55 inches total). Or, use our Live Nitrifying Bacteria to quickly establish biological filtration and cycle your aquarium.
Suggested Fish:
In general, a 55 gallon aquarium can house up to 55" of fish (adult sizes). We recommend the following:
3-6 Bottom Dwellers
3-5 Otocinclus Catfish (algae eaters)
Other peaceful community fish include: Danios, Rainbows, Tetras, Barbs, Rasboras, Angels, etc.