English, asked by deven056, 4 months ago

Which society is considered to be successful?​


Answered by PᴀʀᴛʜTʀɪᴘᴀᴛʜɪ

There is no simple answer to this question because

decisions about the criteria by which success should be measured inevitably depend on

normative judgments that are contestable and real-world conditions often entail

concessions on some dimensions of success to secure improvements in others. For these

reasons, even the most sophisticated efforts to address this problem, such as Amartya

Sen’s impressive theory of development as freedom, can be frustratingly indeterminate.

As Michèle Lamont and I argue in Successful Societies: How Institutions and Culture

Affect Health (Cambridge University Press 2009), however, this question is too important

to ignore. Even when the answers are necessarily incomplete, social scientists should be

asking such questions. Although there is a natural preference for more tractable subjects,

the watchword of social science should not be ‘convenience’. We need to advance our

understanding not only of how societies work but of how they can work better.

The approach to this problem adopted by the Successful Societies volume is to

take the health of the population as a relatively uncontroversial indicator of well-being,

without suggesting it is the only important element of social success and then ask: how

can our understandings of the conditions that advance population health be expanded?

For our initial intuitions, we rely on an important literature in social epidemiology and

then bring to the issues a wide range of observations about the social roles of institutions

and cultural frameworks. Our objective is to show that population health offers fruitful

terrain for the inquiries of social science.

Answered by pratishtha571


follow pleaseeeeeeee


have a great day ahead

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