which soil aee useful to cashews nut
The cashew is a strong plant that is renowned for growing in soils, especially sandy soils, that are generally unsuitable for other fruit trees. For the best production deep, well-drained sandy or sandy-loam soil is recommended.
hope this helps u
Which soil are useful to cashews nut crop?
◆ Sandy Soil are useful to to cashews nut crop.
Climatic requirements
◆ Cashew trees are genuinely tropical and very frost sensitive.
◆ The trees grow in a wide spectrum of climatic regions between the 25 °N and S latitudes.
◆ Although the cashew can withstand high temperatures, a monthly mean of 25 °C is regarded as optimal.
◆ Yearly rainfall of 1 000 mm is sufficient for production but 1 500 to 2 000 mm can be regarded as optimal.
◆ The cashew tree has a well-developed root system and can tolerate drought conditions.
◆ Rain during the flowering season causes flower abortion due to anthracnose and mildew.
◆ During harvesting, while nuts are on the ground, rain and overcast weather causes the nuts to rot or start germinating.
◆ Nuts germinate within 4 days when lying on wet soil.