Which solution of kcl has highest specific conductance?
The specific conductance of solution depends on number of ions present between area of two electrode and length between them. Basically more the number of ions per unit volume more will be specific conductance.
Hence, if you increase the concentration the specific conductance will increase.
i.e. specific conductance is directly proportional to concentration
So higher the concentration of KCl higher the specific conductance or vice versa.
so if we have 1 M KCl and 0.1 M KCl, Specific conductance of 1 M KCl will be higher.
We can find the specific conductance of KCl in literature. KCl is used for calibration of conductometer.
0.01 molar solution of potassium chloride has highest specific conductance.
The ability of a solution to conduct electricity is called conductance or specific conductance.
Potassium chloride is also known as robust electrolyte.
The concentration of solution increases and the conductivity of electric current increases.
Thus more concentrated solution conducts more electricity.