which solutions of system inconsistant
A system is inconsistent if, being a solution to one equation is inconsistent with being a solution of another equation in the system. Being "inconsistent with" mean they can't both happen. For example: being negative is inconsistent with being positive. Being less than 4 is inconsistent with being greater than 9.
Step-by-step explanation:
Consistent System: If one or more solution (s) exists for a system of equations then it is a consistent system Inconsistent System: A system of equations with no solution is an inconsistent system. The Solution of System of Linear Equations A solution for a system of linear Equations can be found by using the inverse of a matrix.
a system of equations is inconsistent, then it is possible to manipulate and combine the equations in such a way as to obtain contradictory information, such as 2 = 1, or x3 + y3 = 5 and x3 + y3 = 6 (which implies 5 = 6).
Both types of equation system, consistent and inconsistent, can be any of overdetermined (having more equations than unknowns), underdetermined (having fewer equations than unknowns), or exactly determined.