which species is specially domesticated and reared for high economic important?(is hint is needed)
However, because of their high economic importance, the honey-bees, especially, A. mellifera are domesticated and cultured, viz., reared and bred in artificial hives.
Honey Bees: Species and Importance of Honey Bees!
Rearing of honey bees for obtaining honey and bee wax is called apiculture.
Castes of Honey bees:
Honey bees build their nest combs on the trees. They are highly colonial, social and polymorphic insects. The honey bees have best developed social life.
Three types of individuals (castes) are found in the colony of honey bees;
(i) Queen is a fertile female which lays eggs. Normally one queen is found in one nest.
(ii) Drones are males which mate with queen. Their number in the colony is not much. Drones are produced by parthenogenesis.
(iii) Workers are sterile females and perform various duties of the colony. The queens and drones are fed by the workers. The worker bees are smallest members of the colony. They have chewing and lapping type of mouth parts, modified for collecting nectar and pollen of the flowers. The abdomen contains the wax glands and the sting.
The worker bees are of three types:
(a) Scavenger bees
(b) Nurse bees and
(c) Scout bees.