Which substage of sensorimotor development is characterized by coordination of vision and touch hand-eye coordination?
The Sensorimotor Stage of Cognitive Development
by Martin
August 10, 2019
HomeMagazineThe Sensorimotor Stage of Cognitive Development
The sensorimotor stage of cognitive development is the first of four phases as defined by Jean Piaget, the well-known and much revered Swiss developmental psychologist, whose work focused on the characteristics and evolution of intelligence in a human being as well as the acquisition of knowledge.
Defying the firmly established misconception, he claimed that children aren’t just smaller versions of adults nor less intelligent but that they solely perceive the environment and think in a different way than adults do.
After realizing that children at different ages make different mistakes related to problem-solving, he inferred that from birth to adulthood they all go through four stages of cognitive development as the outcome of maturation, the influence of both their physical and social surroundings and, lastly, and for Piaget most importantly, their own actions and experience.
According to his theory, every child passes through each of the qualitatively disparate stages in the same order although not at an equal speed.
This progressive development entails forming ideas, so-called schemas, which virtually serve to organize the imbibed information so that the child would comprehend the surrounding world through that preformed mold.
The cognition takes place through three processes – assimilation, namely fitting the newly absorbed information to the mold, and accommodation, viz. altering the mold in order to make it fit the previously unknown – and balancing the two mechanisms dubbed equilibration.
Understanding children’s intellectual growth can be helpful to both parents and teachers – the former can not only empathize with their kids better but also learn how to stoke their development whereas the latter can get insight in what kind of curriculum and which approach is the most suitable for students of a certain age.