which symbol is used to represent process in a flow chart
Flowchart Symbols.
Flowcharts use special shapes to represent different types of actions or steps in a process.
Lines and arrows show the sequence of the steps, and the relationships among them.
These are known as flowchart symbols.
It is a parallelogram shape as shown below. In the chart above, the temperature is an input.
Printing the results is an output. ... The diamond shape shown below is a decision shape.
It allows you to ask a question in a flowchart.
A flowchart is a pictorial or graphical representation of a process.
Flowcharts are used in many industries including entertainment, engineering, physical sciences and computer programming.
The purpose of all flowcharts is to communicate how a process works or should work without any technical or group-specific jargon.
Also known as an “Action Symbol,” this shape represents a process, action, or function.
It's the most widely-used symbol in flowcharting.
Also known as the “Terminator Symbol,” this symbol represents the start points, end points, and potential outcomes of a path.
Often contains “Start” or “End” within the shape.
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