Which text format is this, “The text is transcribed exactly as it sounds and includes all the utterances of the speakers.
1-full verbatim
2-clean verbatim
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in to the training. Now a piece of advice, always google things, always go the extra mile of researching on material that you don’t understand and if it gets too tough ask the teacher. One thing you must understand is that transcription is not for everyone, you must have the passion, the persistence, perseverance and the urge to work hard, to keep pushing and at the end of it all enjoy the fruits of your labor. Always go the extra mile, it will go a long way in helping you. Terminologies. Full verbatim/Verbatim transcript–When a client requests a full verbatim transcript, you must type/include everything you hear. The text is transcribed exactlyas it sounds and includes all the utterances of the speakers. This involves filler words, repeated words, stutters, false starts etc. The slang words must also be kept as they are. This means, add the uhms, hmm, yep, you know, gonna etc. Clean Verbatim/Non-verbatim transcript–This is the opposite of full verbatim. The transcribed text does not include speech errors, false starts, filler words etc. Slang words must also be changed or corrected example “gonna” changes to “going to”, “wanna” changes to “want to” etcNote: omit all the “umm-hmm”, “yeah”, “yes”reactions to retain a fluent text, unless they are answers to given questions in clean verbatim. [Mind the verbatim ex. Don’t write “umm-hmm”as an answer in clean verbatim, replace it with “yes”] Also, “like”can be kept if it is not a filler word, for example: “I paid something like 200 bucks”or when it introduces a quote: I was like
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