which the river that waters prairies.
Saskatchewan River system
Saskatchewan River
From glaciers to grasslands
Cree name: Kisiskatchewan, meaning 'swift current'
Current official name: Saskatchewan, from the Cree original
Source: Rocky Mountains, east of the Continental Divide
Mouth: Hudson Bay, via Lake Winnipeg and Nelson River
Direction of flow: east
Length : 4618 kilometres, including main north and south branches to Lake Winnipeg
Main Characteristic: Drains the vast Canadian Prairie
More on the Saskatchewan River:
Saskatchewan River:
From glaciers to grasslands
Early Bird:
Beaked dinosaur is missing link to birds
Dry Bones:
Dinosours abound in Alberta’s badlands
Plains Speaking:
Pioneer in the fight for women’s rights
Last Stand:
The Northwest Rebellions ends Métis autonomy
End of Steel:
Canada's northernmost metropolis
Dirty Thirties:
Prairie life in the era of the Bennett Buggy
Unwild West:
Mounties keep order on the Prairies
Dream of Wheat:
Prosperous farmers feed the world