Which theories of the orgin of state was accepted by liberalisiim?
Theory of State - can be explained in three different ways.
Theory of State - Based on Origin of State
Theory of State - Based on the Role performed by the State
Theory of State - Based on Critical evaluation of both origin and the role performed by the State.
From your question, I can come to a conclusion that, you are asking about role of state in a liberal Society. Liberal theory of State model is put forth by liberal scholars. Liberal Scholars can be grouped by positive liberals, negative liberals and neo-liberals. The Characteristic of liberal theory of State can be summarized as
State power should be as minimum as possible. Since, Liberals advocated against anarchism, absolutism and they defend individual liberty, they expect state should not use its power to interfere their liberty.
Neo-Liberals and Minimal State expect the state should not tax the rich to enhance the life of poor. From their view, State bureaucracy is in-effective. Welfare State would reduce the competition and responsibility among the citizens, which indirectly reduce the market economy and development of a nation.
Neo-liberals take a stand on rule of market. From their perspective, State should not interfere the market economy with any legitimate action.
Above mention points, mainly focused on Economic liberty rather than Political Liberty. In this Globalization era, Economic liberty take more importance than Political liberty.
Even though libertarians, advocated for Market economy, they expect state should create equal opportunists for all without sacrificing individual liberty.
For Libertarians, Individual is prior to the society. Collections of Individual forms a society. So State should give preference individual over community.
I hope, I answered your Question.