which theory is more accurate wave theory or particle theory and why
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Since the mid-20th century, a more comprehensive theory of light, known as quantum electrodynamics (QED), has been regarded by physicists as complete. QED combines the ideas of classical electromagnetism, quantum mechanics, and the special theory of relativity.
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1. Par.ticle the.ory: Li.ght consi.sts of a stre.am of sm.all par.ticles, bec.ause it trav.els in strai.ght lin.es at gr.eat spe.eds is refle.cted from mirr.ors in a predi.ctable wa.y.
2. W.ave theory: Lig.ht is a wa.ve, bec.ause it und.ergoes diffra.ction an.d inte.rference.
The scie.ntific stud.y of the be.havior of light co.vers reflec.tion, refrac.tion, pola.rization, diffra.ction of lig.ht as it passes by the edge of an op.aque object and interference patterns resulting from diffraction.
Louis de Bro.glie showed that moving particles have certain wave like prop.erties that govern their motion and that there exists compleme.ntarities betw.een par.ticles and wav.es known as wave–par.ticle dua.lity. Th.us the quant.um the.ory o.f lig.ht has succes.sfully expl.ained all asp.ects of the beh.avior of light's dual nat.ure.
If a ph.oton of lig.ht is abso.rbed by the electron, the electron gai.ns pote.ntial en.ergy and rais.es to a higher energy level. The elec.tron's hi.gher pos.ition is only mome.ntary as a pho.ton of light is emi.tted by the electr.on at the same in.stant. The elec.tron lo.ses pot.ential en.ergy retu.rns to a lower level as it em.its radiant ene.rgy.
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