Which three company’s integration the CTR was?
When implementing Onboarding, syncing the corporate structure always seems to come up. The implementation guide advises “Do not sync the Corporate Structure information, because the sync only brings the label and code information, which can result in information loss”. I’ve been stuck in that manual maintenance nightmare before and it ends up becoming a full time job to keep up with your company’s ever-changing corporate structure.
Existing Standard Corporate Sync
The corporate structure sync can be done through the foundation import or an adhoc report. Some limitations to these methods include:
Integration issues
Information loss/ formatting issues
Limited to only 3 levels of an organizational hierarchy as there is only an import file for division, department, and location
With Integration Center, our savior, you’re able to:
Sync code and name as separate fields
Sync more than three levels
Sync relationships
Sync additional corporate structure details
The below example will walk you through the steps for modifying the foundation import and foundation import mapping files, creating location and department integration center reports, and modifying the LocationImport XSLT file.
Determine Corporate Structure Levels
In Onboarding, go to Onboarding > Reference Files > Corporate Structure
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