Which topology is the most popular now a days
Star topology is the most popular network topology in businesses today. It consists of nodes connected to a central switch or hub. If you have a home network, you are probably using the star topology.
Bus topology is one which consists of all of the workstations connected to a single cable. This topology is frequently in coax, or 10Base2, networks. The bus network has a terminator on each end of the network. If a terminator is not present or if there is a problem in the line (e.g. NIC card failure, network disconnected from PC), all workstations on that line lose connectivity.
Mesh topology is one which has all of the workstations connected to each other. This topology is typically only used when high availability is a requirement. It is expensive to maintain and troubleshoot.
Ring topology is one which all of the computers are connected in a loop and data is passed from one workstation to another. This is most common in a token ring environment where a "token" is sent with data from one node to another until it finds its destination.
Network Topology is the physical layout of the network. This concept is the foundation for understanding corporate networks and the technologies used to make them function.