Which type data mining technique used by search engine to process the request?
Some example customer projects with which Search Technologies has been involved include:
Scan through news articles to identify what companies are planning to expand or relocate - for a US state business development group
Use 10K, shareholder meetings, and annual reports to learn key company initiatives - for an industry association and a top-five consulting firm
Search for people selling illegal pets - for an agriculture department enforcement agency
Gather mining jobs and mining articles for a vertically-focused web search - for a mining publisher
Read through government rules and regulations - for an industry lobbying organization
Read through speeches and public statements for a candidate for office - for a political party
Download required textbooks for university classes to know what books their students will need - for a textbook rental company
Download construction rules and regulations - for a large construction company
Identify and track conferences with location and organization - for a conference support company