Biology, asked by rhchn300, 9 months ago

which type of aestivation seen in liliaceae


Answered by llBestFriendsll


General floral formula of the Liliacaeae: Flowers actinomorphic and hermaphrodite with 6 undifferentiated tepals in two whorls of three, the same number and arrangement of stamens, and a superior ovary with 3 fused carpels.

Answered by TheValkyrie


Valvate aestivation in seen in liliaceae. Valvate is a type of aestivation in which the petals are close together but do not overlap. Some examples of flowers showing this aestivation are mustard,  Calotropis etc

More information about liliaceae:

It is commonly called as the lily family.

➛ The inflorescense is usually solitary or cymose.

➛ Stamens are ephiphyllous and are present ( 3+ 3) condition.

➛ Gynoecium is syncarpous with a superior ovary.

➛ The placentation is axile.

➛ The seeds are endospermous.

➛ The leaves are basal with parallel venation and are alternate.

➛ The flower is bisexual, actinomorphic, bracteate and hypogynous.

➛ Usually six tepals are present as two whorls (3 +3).

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